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Little world of carnivas
Little world of carnivas
Medium publication with posts from the various alter-egos of Karthik Srinivasan, covering Technology Product Management, Philosophy, Psychology, Nuances in languages and some fiction too.
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Notable Notes from “Ego is the enemy”

I recently read this book from one of the most popular new age writers — Ryan Holiday. His name kept on popping up in my podcasts (EconTalk, Tim Ferris etc.), in my Feedly (Farnam Street type blogs) etc. that I decided to check out some books he has written.

Antidote — Not just a Book Review

Antidote — Happiness for people who can’t stand positive thinking has been one of the better books that I read recently. With more time I spend mulling over it, it might fall even under the Top-10 books I mandate for people to remain friends with me (along with the…