Need for God

Little world of carnivas
2 min readJun 29, 2022


If you are not a full-time believer¹, the usual rational explanation on the need for God is: We humans want a thing on which we could place our anxieties, so we can go on with our lives without getting stuck. God happens to that that thing.

For example, assume you have an exam/presentation/etc. the next day, and that you are afraid of how you would perform. If you believe in God — and that They² will help you with it — you could do a small prayer to remind Them of it, and peacefully sleep. Without belief, your mind would need other mechanisms like positive suggestions or whatever to be kept quiet.

I recently found this need manifesting in a different form.

Last week, I almost met with an accident while driving, which could have been entirely avoided, had I been careful. This carelessness was bothering me for several hours, and I was beating myself up (mentally, of course) for that. Until, I told someone about this, and they told something to this effect — It was God’s kindness that you got saved. Strangely, my restlessness reduced after that.

Or so my brain believed.

You could argue that the simple act of sharing this info with someone made the restlessness go, but I think there was more to it. The fact that they introduced God into the event, and that there was Someone who took care of me, even when I was careless, seemed to have removed that anxiety.

So, the point of this post is — “Need for God” also works backwards in time.

  1. i.e., not someone who does sumiran only when dukh hits
  2. Gender-neutral singular pronoun for God with the first letter capitalized, what all does woke-ism do to us)

