Changing the past

Little world of carnivas
2 min readJun 29, 2022


I am a fan of this quote: “The past is not written yet; it’ll be written in the future”. This means something to the effect of — By creating a better future, you can make the follies of the past look insignificant. For example: If you scored pretty low in years 1 and 2 of your engineering college, at the end of the second year, your engineering days will look dark. But by scoring so well in the 3rd and 4th years, you will make the overall engineering days look brighter in retrospect. You could even argue that this could be explained by the Peak-end rule, but that is up to you because that’s not what I am talking about today. Then why did I start with this paragraph? Just felt like.

There is another ‘change the past’ I have been thinking about in recent times. Think of these scenarios: (1) You are entering your boss’s cabin to collect your appraisal results/hike letter; (2) You are about to open an email that contains the result of your daughter’s spell bee competition; (3) You are calling a diagnostic center to find out about the readings from a blood test; (4) You are opening espncricinfo to see results of a cricket match that you couldn’t watch live. In all these scenarios, it appears that the outcome already exists inside that letter/email/tool/website. Does it, really?

Random image for “change the past” from Google Images.

Depending on how you feel at that moment — positive or negative — will that result change? If there is a surge of involuntary, unforced positive energy in your body, will the outcome in those cases turn positive for you? And if that energy was negative, will the outcome turn negative for you?

In my completely unscientific survey of a few people, there appears to be a correlation, if not outright causation. It turns out they did feel the positive/negative energy and the result was what the energy indicated. Moreover, the intensity of the energy seems to have indicated the degree of positive/negative outcome too!

Do we call this the human intuition (of what the result might be) causing the energy spikes? Or is the same force that causes the energy also changes things in the past and produces results that corroborate with that energy? In a parallel universe, would the energy (and the outcome) actually be the reverse of what you experience here? I guess we will never know, unless we live here.

If it is the latter (energy changing the past), can it be forced? Is that what people that support views like “universe conspires” have always been telling us?

JIC you wonder, no, I haven’t joined any cult. (Planning to start one, though, and looking for founding members! Haha!) For now, just idly wondering about these.

